Lynn Carnes

Being In Service

Here we are now, a couple of weeks into the year-long month of April. While it feels like we’ve be at this forever, what I’m really appreciating at the moment is the clarity. So much of the busy-ness I had allowed to creep into my life was just noise. Without it, I’m able to really […]

Distinction And When To Say No

Originally Posted: September 11, 2016“I’m going to do it all – and I’m going to do it perfectly.” While few say that out loud, their actions say it for them.  ​Know anyone who thinks (and acts) that way? I see it all the time, whether in a small business – where doing it all seems a necessity – to teams in giant corporations. The very same people who treat money as a scarce resource are willing to spend their energy doing tasks that provid […]

Just Because

Just because the world has changed doesn’t mean we have changed. Learning to work from home over twenty years ago pulled back the curtain on my inner world unlike almost anything since. After leaving my job at a downtown bank, in an instant, my commute went from traffic and tall buildings to the living room. Every morning, I showed up in my living room office, ready to impress the boss with how hard I was working. Except the boss wasn’t there. He lived two time zones […]

Rough Waters Make Good Sailors

In what feels like a single moment, the world has completely changed. The slow fires of a virus started spreading months ago. By now, we’ve all been impacted in some way. My world also changed in February 28 when my Dad, surrounded by his four children and wife Jane, left the plane of this Earth.

Striving for Imbalance

Years ago, I saw a quote by George Leonard that went something like this: the student says to the master “how can I ever learn to stay in balance the way you do?” and the master said “I’m out of balance much more than you are. I just recover more quickly.” If we want to