
How to Get Out of Your Head – Turning Stress to Your Advantage

As I was sitting down to write this blog post, I had a golf tournament on in the background. Even though I don’t play golf, the game fascinates me because of the mindset required to consistently be a good golfer. This day, it wasn’t the golf match itself that was interesting. It was one of the advertisements.

Distinction And When To Say No

Originally Posted: September 11, 2016“I’m going to do it all – and I’m going to do it perfectly.” While few say that out loud, their actions say it for them.  ​Know anyone who thinks (and acts) that way? I see it all the time, whether in a small business – where doing it all seems a necessity – to teams in giant corporations. The very same people who treat money as a scarce resource are willing to spend their energy doing tasks that provid […]