#44 My New Book is Coming Soon and…

In my new podcast series, I’m talking to the people who are in my latest book. Dancing the Tightrope, What Falling Off a Horse Taught Me About Embracing Pressure, Fear and Uncertainty chronicles my journey from a bad horse accident to getting back on the horse. In other words, I brought to life one of the most age-old idioms.

The journey was both difficult and fulfilling at the same time. Many, many people helped me along the way. For this podcast series, I am talking to the people who help out a hand to show me my own strength.

This week’s podcast kicks thing off with me giving some of the back story of the book, and some of the essential principles I learned and honed along the way.

By the way, the book will be published October 31. I can’t wait for you to read it. Several of my early readers have asked me how they can get it in the hands of people they know who are trying to get back on the horse -both literally and figuratively. Finally, I can give a date!