Decisions, Decisions

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We spent the weekend cleaning out the “big closet” in our house, the one where we shoved everything with impunity.  We were stunned at how much – well –rubbish had piled up through the years.  We said this all weekend:  “Why in the world did we keep all this stuff?!?”

The truth is we were finally making decisions long deferred, some that we had delayed for our entire adult lives.  While we recognized that it had been a low priority in our very busy lives, when things started falling out of the closet, deciding moved up on the list.  To the shredder went the stack of pay receipts (remember those?) from an early job.  A box that had not been unpacked in four moves was finally reviewed, and too-many-to-count decisions made on what to do with the stuff.  The decisions came down to should it stay or should it go?   And if it stayed, where and how?  (We replaced every cardboard box with clear plastic and moved many things to a more logical home) And if it should go, do we trash, give away or move to another place?  All weekend, it was Stay, Change or Go?  It was painful and freeing at the same time.  I danced in the closet (yes, really) when we were done.

In today’s world, we are all making decisions, hundreds of them every day.  We are also deferring decisions, about who and what should Stay, Change or Go.  Every time we choose not to do something, it is a decision for non-action.  And while they might not be as tangible, the decisions to take no action is a decision.  And decisions for non-action eventually create a pile of rubbish.  Then we wonder why we have breakdowns, why it takes so long to get things done, why we are still doing things the “old way”, why someone is not performing to our standards.  Have we even bothered to have a conversation about our standards?

What conversations are you deciding not to have?  What decisions are you not making?  What low priority items are actually creating unseen roadblocks to your success?  Where would making a decision make you feel freer?

When taking flying lessons, my instructor always said “A bad decision is better than no decision.  When you are in an emergency, start taking actions and correct as you go.”  Indeed, that sense of urgency brings the mind to focus, attention and clarity.

Now excuse me, I have to go make some decisions!