Episode #17: The Non-Drama of Getting Back On the Horse

My Daughter, Jen and I, have actually done several podcasts together over the years, talking about our story through addiction and our adventures working together as a mother daughter team.  A little over a month ago, we did a podcast together about how her moment of vulnerability changed everything. We are back for a round two for a very important reason; we are answering the question: Did anything really change? If you have not listened to the first podcast, it is worth your time to go listen to Episode 16 – both to get context for this one might and also to hear how Jen made it to the other side of fear in that incident. In this episode, we go even deeper into her behind the scenes thoughts, feelings and actions, especially around the constant balancing act of meeting goals and yet staying present. We can either be way too future focused or way to now focused. Somewhere in the middle is the magic balance and Jen does a marvelous job of teasing out how she walked that tightrope the second time she went for a trail ride – that might not ever get out on the trail.

  • A Continuing saga of Jen’s vulnerability
  • Podcast about going for the future goals and staying present
  • What are we supposed to do when fear rears its ugly head
  • The reveal of the aftermath
  • The initial event was created  by only focuses on the outcome And not being present in the journey
  • Incongruence with horses don’t fly
  • Jen’s quote the next time we went to the barn: “I’m just not sure I want to have to learn anything today”
  • Jen stated her concern of not wanting to have a pattern develop of feeling like every time she comes rides horses, she is going to end in tears.
  • Learning mode vs. Expectations of an outcome
  • First application of the previous lesson came quick with the horse laying down and not getting up. Jen realized quickly her safety was just as important as the horses safety. She asked herself “What do I need to do to feel safe?”
  • Jen staying present but with her goal in mind continued to check in with herself, ask questions, and checked in with her feelings of safety.
  • With Jen remaining present within her goal of wanting to be on the trail, she was able to achieve the goal and she as she puts it, “Crossed a magical threshold”

Additional Links:

Jennifer Maneely's Website

Jennifer Maneely's Book

Lynn Brown's Website: Transitions

Brene Brown: Daring Greatly

 Contact Info for Jen:

Jennifer Maneely's Website



Cell Phone: Call or Text 828-301-2028