Episode 6: Interview with Tammy Tappan

In episode 6 of the Creative Spirits Unleashed podcast, Tammy Tappan describes how she took a leap out of the business world where she was “supposed to be” and how it forced her into a learning mode. She starts with a story of “doing the mature thing and taking my toys home” after a business deal fell through. Driving a leaky RV through the desert, she followed her inner voice to seek out an art workshop. Her life has never been the same.
In this episode, we dissect the methods Tammy used to breakthrough her fear and take chances, even with nagging self-doubt. The artwork resulting from her bravery is nothing less than stunning. Even more stunning is that she has been doing it for just three years.
Tammy and I met at the Tryon International Equestrian center. I walked into one of the new stores and this painting caught my eye.
Being an artist myself, I have a belief that you just don’t start out painting this big. At first it seemed to me that Tammy had skipped some steps. She did skip some steps. But the steps she skipped were linked to how she handles fear, which you will hear I this conversation.
Here’s what Tammy says about her journey on her website:
Sometimes you have to “buck” the system…find your own path…listen to that inner nagging voice.  Nobody ever said it would be easy.  In fact, most will discourage you because it is exactly the opposite!
That pretty much sums up my journey.  I have spent decades trying to figure “it” out and do the responsible thing (whatever that means).  And then I ended up here – an artist in progress, painting and sculpting horses.  My work is inspired by a lifetime of loving horses, dogs and my kids.  The latter all grown up now, it is time.  I am a work in progress in more ways than one.  When it comes to my art, I look back and see the development of my personal style.  I appreciate the perfection that others have accomplished and I have simply practiced.  I aspire the perceived freedom of impressionism.  Fluid brush work and the ability to capture the essence of a moment in clay are part of my ongoing quest.  My work is an evolution of those endeavors.
I enjoy capturing the spirit of the horse and the connection between horse and rider through a variety of mediums.  Most recently, I am fascinated by the symbolism of equestrian artifacts that once facilitated the communication between horse and human.  My series “Once Upon A Horse” is a collection of paintings and sculptures that explore that subject matter.  I welcome the input of anyone that is inclined to share their perspective on my work.  Drop me an email or give me a call.  I would love to explore the possibilities with you.
Additional subjects and links for show notes
Key topics:

  • Learning to bet on yourself, even with nagging self doubt
  • Transforming skills from one domain to another
  • The rules we make up that create self-inflicted restrictions
  • Thinking big
  • Dealing with failure and the imaginary “wall” it creates
  • And so much more.

Where to find Tammy
Website: https://www.equineinstincts.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tammy_tappan_art/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/equineinstinctsstudio/