Episode 1: Julie Gould

Our first guest is a master of work/life balance. Julie Gould is the principal of J. Gould Consulting in Washington, DC, a nationally recognized housing and community development leader. She has extensive experience in financial, lending, product, and technology solutions for low income people and communities.
Prior to her current role, she was the president of The Mercy Loan Fund where Mercy Housing engages in a wide array of affordable real estate and health care financing. She also spent 20 years with Fanny Mae on the multifamily front supporting affordable housing lenders, CDFI (Community Development Financial Institutions) and Community Development Banks and Developers in creating housing for low income people
Julie Gould is ALSO the founder of Bright Eyes Photos, capturing the souls of your favorite pets.  She grew up with dogs and taking photographs around the world with her sister and Naval officer dad. She is rarely without a dog or camera.
Julie came to Mystic Waters to catch up with what was happening in my world and to capture my favorite (and only) dog Xena, a beautiful 8-year-old Doberman. Through our various conversations, it dawned on me she would be perfect for my very first podcast.
She brings a wisdom and passion to everything she does from capturing the spirit of the animals she photographs to highlighting the important need for affordable housing and supporting people to lift themselves out of poverty.

You can find Julie in all these places:

Enjoy the interview where we dive into the 4P’s!! Passion, Pets, People, and Photography.