Blog Post

Free to Be

I was speaking with a friend the other day who is reinventing her life in huge and profound ways.  We talked about how the word “reinvention” sounds so big and daunting.   “Isn’t it just a natural and growing evolution?” she asked.  Well, yes and no.  In her “reinvention”, she is breaking through lots of beliefs […]

Learning at the Speed of Light

Many of the leaders I work with these days are in a bit of a paradoxical dilemma.  They have a significant role for which they have been deemed highly competent, and yet it’s like riding a bucking bronco.  The world is changing, the role becoming more complex, and leading in the role becomes more difficult

Calm, Anxious, or Excited?

Copyright: inspirestock / 123RF Stock Photo   Anybody who has ever had to perform under pressure knows the physical commotion and symphony of feelings that course through the body.  Whether a long planned sales presentation, a speech in front of the top brass, or pitching in your softball league, you know the many ways your body

Decisions, Decisions

Photo credit: We spent the weekend cleaning out the “big closet” in our house, the one where we shoved everything with impunity.  We were stunned at how much – well –rubbish had piled up through the years.  We said this all weekend:  “Why in the world did we keep all this stuff?!?” The truth

Our “Ambassadors”

While teaching a self awareness program, one of the participants mentioned our “ambassadors” in context of how we relate to each other.  What?  Who are these ambassadors that he is talking about? With a little more explanation, it struck me as one of the best analogies for what often happens in relationships.   Have you ever

Alignment before pressure

As an avid water skier, I’ve learned over the years that my body position over the ski determines the ​acceleration of the ski from one buoy to the next.  Faster is better.  Watching a webcast of a ski tournament one day, the commentator (also a pro skier) summed up the “stacked body position” this way:  “It’s

Clear requests or disappointment

The other day I heard someone expressing frustration (the corporate code word for anger) over a decision that had been made that he obviously did not agree with.  As a key influencer on that decision, he was also puzzled that the decision went the way it did given the overwhelming data supporting his position.  What

Time or Attention

Just recently, I heard a television personality thank an important public figure for his time as they completed their on-air interview. Time is an interesting idea.  I catch myself frequently saying “I don’t have time for that.” One of the most common questions I hear people ask when faced with the chance to do something meaningful, creative