Episode #19: Ann Herrmann-Nehdi can help you think better

Ann Herrmann Nehdi started this podcast by saying “balance is a loaded word…and it’s almost impossible to attain…this exquisite balance.” Right out of the chute, we started this conversation by challenging assumptions and diving into her company’s research on thinking, resilience and managing change in times like these. 

There’s no one I know who “thinks about thinking” more than Ann. She spends a lot of time working with senior teams as well as those in the “magic middle” of some of the largest companies in the world. The company founded by her father Ned Herrmann has provided HBDI Thinking Style Assessments for 97% of the Fortune 100. She has incredible insight into the inner workings of how decisions get made throughout these organizations – and it’s often different than it appears from the outside looking in. 

I’ve done the HBDI Thinking Style Assessment for hundreds of people over the last 20 years and the reaction is always the same. People leave the assessment feeling more connected to the incredible power of their brain and the opportunity to see things differently.  

In this conversation, Ann walks us through the model, describing our four “selves” and how those aspects of our thinking can work together to create a better whole.  

Every time I sit down with her, I leave feeling uplifted and with more clarityI often say to myself “I wish I could share the conversation we just had with others.” Thanks to the technology of podcasting, now we can share it! 

Ann’s Bio: 

Ann Herrmann-Nehdi is passionate about helping thinkers, teams and organizations get better results and performance through better thinking and learning. As an author, thought leader, keynoter and researcher. Her work is specialized on the practical application of neuroscience, learning and ongoing research using our HBDI database of 3 million thinkers from around the globe. 

Ann believes leadership development starts with how we think and that thinking agility is a core competency that today's leaders must develop to succeed. She seek to help managers, leaders and senior leaders improve their impact, make better decisions, more effectively manage change, be more agile and achieve better results by leveraging their untapped potential. 

Teams and organizations too often waste considerable time due to the lack the skills necessary to leverage their cognitive/thinking diversity. Once understood, work teams and executive teams are transformed using the HBDI methodology and tools to save time, improve performance and enjoy the process. 

The methodology was originally developed at GE (Crotonville) to improve problem solving for more creative outcomes. When you use a Whole Brain® approach, innovative thinking emerges and tangible business value emerges from the thinkers involved. 

Her book is an updated version of The Whole Brain® Business Book. She is passionate about how their work practically drives results while truly leveraging the potential they each bring. 

Additional links  


Whole Brain Walkaround 

TEDx Talk: One Thing to Know About Your Brain to Change Your Life 

Dan Pink 

Fire the Sanctioner 

World’s Edge Trail 

Herrmann Study on Resilience  

Whole Brain Business Book 

General Electric 

What’s Next 


Website: www.thinkherrmann.com 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annherrmann/ 

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