Lynn Carnes

Being Helpful or is it Needy

This last week, Hannah Paquinzo, a podcast guest from last month, took me through a Human Design session. She had mentioned it in the podcast, and I was curious. I’ve learned that self-awareness is not that easy to come by. We humans are complex. Over the years, I’ve done everything from the Herrmann Brain Dominance […]

From Coping to Transforming

In Dancing the Tightrope, I tell the story of “finding the middle”, a maddening exercise devised by Natural Humanship trainer Bruce Anderson. At one point in the experience, he asked me to move away from the spot that I had declared the middle, while being consciously aware of the uncomfortable feeling of doing so. He

Give Up Control to Get Control

When I teach leadership programs, inevitably the topic of control comes up. In general, the leaders in the room want more of it, and that’s often why they seek higher positions in their company. When this conversation comes up, I prepare myself, because we are about to start confronting some beliefs. Why prepare myself? Have

Three Quick Ways to Create a Shift

It was a dark and rainy night…well, actually, afternoon…and it’s happening today. Typical mid-January weather, exactly what we need to stay motivated, get a bunch of stuff done and feel super good about what we’ve done so far this year, right? Did my little pep talk pep you up? I’m guessing not. It’s almost impossible

Trusting Yourself

As we move into 2023, I’m doing the same thing a lot of you are doing: Looking back and looking forward. Looking back, 2022 brought more than a handful of belief-changing experiences. What is a “belief-changing experience” anyway? I’m going to start with clouds. Yes, clouds. I’ve been taking flying lessons in 2022. It’s not

Bursts of Joy in the Middle of Chaos

As I write this note today, the wind is howling, airlines are canceling flights, trees are falling on power lines and the temperature is plummeting. Christmas is two days away, and the weather is going to add challenges to everything from travel to taking the dog out for a potty break. I’m not traveling –