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The Power of Perception: Turning Invisible Beliefs into Visible Change
Nothing bigger than a bread box! That was my guidance for Russ when we were building our house in Lake Lure. We were now living in the 1200 SF fishing cottage that we had purchased, planning to build a permanent residence "someday" in the future. That future happened quickly. We had moved from a 3600 SF house in Charlotte, putting most of our furniture in storage. To say the space was cramped is an understatement. So I made a rule: Nothing bigger than a bread box could come into our little abode until the big house was ready. When we moved in, we were overwhelmed with joy at all the space we had to fill. More kitchen cabinets and closet space than we had ever dreamed of awaited our stuff. I've been filling those empty spaces ever since. Much of what now fills those spaces is deferred decisions. Rather than see the question "Do I keep this or let it go?", my default is almost always "I will use this someday." That default belief is grounded in my successful hoarding adventures. (I prefer to think of myself as a champion recycler.) When we replaced the Bimini top on my ski boat with a fancy new tower, we kept the old cover in storage. Even though it took up a lot of space, we thought maybe someday we will use it. That day did come, several years after on another new boat. Somehow, across boat brands, the old ...
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